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In the Tech Trenches: Preparing California Firefighters for a Community’s Changing Needs

Chris Stewart

VP of Global Client Success, Cornerstone

Editor’s Note: Over the next few months, we’ll be sharing stories of businesses undergoing transformations thanks to different types of technologies, from learning platforms to compliance portals—with a fun, animated flare! Check back often for our "In the Tech Trenches" animated case study series.

Firefighters at California’s Ventura County Fire Department (VCFD) have to train because, quite literally, their lives depend on it. And the lives of their fellow community members rely on successful training, too.

To keep up with the demands of their rigorous jobs, VCFD firefighters are required to complete 209,000 hours of training every year. But the outdated, largely paper-based format of most training materials made this process painfully slow and inefficient. So the company turned to Cornerstone to transform not only their learning technology, but also their learning culture.

View the animation below to learn more about how California’s Ventura County Fire Department is using Cornerstone’s Learning and Performance Suites to upgrade their training and L&D programs and read the full case study here.

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