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Why Purpose-Driven Talent Practices Matter

Cornerstone Editors

As organizations navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s one guiding star they must rally around: purpose. It’s no secret that purpose matters to business leaders, employees and consumers—it can motivate candidates to work for a company, make work experience more satisfying and even encourage consumers to be more forgiving when mistakes happen.

You might think that during a crisis—like say, a global pandemic or major economic upheaval— organizational purpose would become less of a priority. However, it’s in times of crisis that purpose becomes more essential than ever. In the report, "The Purpose-Driven Organization: HR’s Opportunity During Crisis and Beyond," RedThread Research reveals being purpose-driven can make the difference between an organizational culture that crumbles under pressure, or one that thrives.

In the infographic below, RedThread and Cornerstone illustrate how purpose-driven organizations are self-reinforcing systems, what it means to embody purpose and how to ensure that purpose aligns with business priorities.

To learn more about becoming a purpose-driven organization, read RedThread Research’s full report here.

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