온디맨드 웨비나

Building and Transforming Learning for Construction Companies in a Changing World

Mike Bollinger

VP, Strategic Initiatives, Cornerstone

Pre-pandemic, the most utilized method of learning and development (L&D) for construction companies was ILT (instructor-led training) in a physical classroom. However, the unexpected arrival of COVID-19 required companies to make the rapid switch to a fully virtual training and development model.

Sellen Construction and Consigli Construction were two companies faced with the challenge of upending their entire learning program whilst retaining the advantages of a well-formed curriculum. An unanticipated benefit was the interest and additional opportunities that opened up as a result of this culture change.

Watch this on-demand webinar hosted by Mike Bollinger, Cornerstone’s VP of strategic initiatives, as he leads a lively discussion with Kellin Ramage, HR engagement and solutions manager of Sellen Construction, and Cherie Comeau, senior manager of leadership and organizational development at Consigli Construction, on the powerful impact a talent management software strategy has on these two construction companies’ strategic talent initiatives. Hear how both companies successfully made this swift shift in L&D in partnership with Cornerstone Learning and the results they achieved.

Uncover the best L&D practices that you can take back to your organization regardless of where you are in your L&D journey, including:

  • Transition from in-person ILT to virtual training;
  • Automate tracking course attendance and completion;
  • Increase training attendance by over 50 percent;
  • Erase barriers between “out in the field” and “in the office;”
  • Efficiently capture and measure metrics and analytics;
  • Make learning an ongoing process and empower employee development;
  • Enable hybrid learning, a combination of in-person and virtual training all managed from one platform.

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Cornerstone Talent Experience Platform


Cornerstone Talent Experience Platform

Cornerstone Talent Experience Platform은 동급 최고의 학습 콘텐츠와 성장 중심의 인재 역량, 강력한 AI를 결합한 총체적이고 포괄적인 인재 개발 경험을 제공하여, 참여, 성장, 트랜스포메이션을 선도하는 인재 리더를 만들어줍니다.

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