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Bookmarked: Get to Know Mary Clermont, Chief People Officer at Interactions LLC

Cornerstone Editors

Mary Clermont is the chief people officer at Interactions LLC, an organization that offers AI-enabled virtual assistants and other products and solutions to create better customer experiences.

Clermont has spent a lot of her career in human resources, but it didn’t begin there—she actually started out as a captain in the U.S. Army. Eventually, Clermont moved over to HR and has since dedicated herself to making the workplace an efficient and enjoyable space. Even though her career path is already exceptional, she’s always working to be the best HR professional possible. But what keeps her going? And what career advice could she offer?

Clermont answers these questions, discusses what she values most in her colleagues and even shares stories of her real-life career heroes. Get to know her in our Q&A below.

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