
Bridge the Workforce Skills Gap: 3 Key Places to Start

New global research from the Cornerstone People Research Lab shows that organizational leaders and employees are rallying around the importance of skills.

However, the research identified a serious confidence gap between employers and employees about their ability to consume skills development and showed that it is challenging to develop critical skills in a way that’s effective and meaningful for employees.

90% of leaders vs 60% of employees feel confident in their company’s ability to develop their skills

The acceleration of workplace change, with both short-term shocks and long-term trends, is making employees concerned about a skills deficit and is leaving them feeling insecure about the future of their core skills and roles.

This e-book offers practical next steps for talent leaders to address and enable skills development to empower their people and organization.

In this eBook you’ll gain insight into:

  • Closing employee confidence gaps in your skills development programs
  • Identifying the skills employees need to succeed
  • And removing barriers in skills development

Learn more with practical steps for developing skills at scale to build stronger, more adaptable and resilient people and organizations.

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Cornerstone Immerse

Con le soluzioni per la formazione immersiva di Cornerstone, ogni organizzazione può sfruttare contenuti in realtà estesa (XR) pronti all’uso o creare simulazioni personalizzate per sviluppare soft skill, fare pratica con scenari o colloqui realistici oppure condurre colloqui per la definizione dei percorsi di carriera.

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