Webinar on-demand

The Future of Work in the Public Sector

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Join this engaging and interactive session to understand where and how the workforce of the future will be developed. Gig economies are all around us in our everyday lives. The same concepts that led us to leverage ride-share drivers and grocery and food deliverers are now entering into the workforce. What does this look like in the public sector? How will they impact how you attract, engage, and retain your workforce of the future? We’ll discuss how others are leveraging their strategies with career pathways, talent marketplaces, and gig assignments within organizations. Get the knowledge you will need to develop comprehensive strategies to adapt your recruitment and development strategies to meet the needs of the future public sector workforce.

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Reinventare il lavoro per un mondo nuovo: Previsioni HR 2024

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Reinventare il lavoro per un mondo nuovo: Previsioni HR 2024

Vero e proprio snodo fra tecnologia e forza lavoro, i responsabili HR sono in prima linea nel cambiare il modo in cui le organizzazioni si muovono nel complesso mondo del lavoro attuale. Con l'inizio del 2024, la rapidità del cambiamento, alimentata dai progressi della tecnologia, richiede una conoscenza approfondita dei trend emergenti.

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