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Graphic: Bridging the Confidence Gap Between Employees and Employers

Cornerstone Editors

The modern worker has been forced to adapt—and quickly, with the half-life of a skill now estimated to be about 5 years. Their very livelihood depends on acquiring new skills. But recent research from Cornerstone shows there's a major disconnect between what employees feel capable of—and what business leaders expect—in terms of skill development.

The Cornerstone People Research Lab conducted a global research survey on the progress that has been made in the last few years in the area of skills development. The survey asked company leaders and employees to evaluate how they think their organizations are prioritizing employee growth.

The research shows that although leaders understand that a balance of hard and soft skills is essential for success, a significant "confidence gap" exists: While 90% of business leaders feel confident that they are positioned to develop their employees’ skills, only 60% of employees believe that their organization could help them build their skills for the future. And, only 62% of employees feel they currently have the proper resources they’d need to succeed going forward.

The infographic below explores the "confidence gap" in more detail and suggests how organizations can work to bridge this divide. Look for additional content on ReWork and read our ebook, "Bridge the Workforce Skills Gap: 3 Key Places to Start," to learn more about how executives, HR leaders and managers can work together to help close the confidence gap and reskill successfully.

How can organizations work at closing skills gaps and improve employees’ confidence? Learn more about the challenge and opportunity for organizations to close these confidence gaps and reskill organizations successfully. Find out the next steps in our ebook, "Bridge the Workforce Skills Gap: 3 Key Places to Start."

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