
Cartoon Coffee Break: Remote Work Realities

Terry LaBan

Cartoonist and Illustrator

Editor's Note: This post is part of our "Cartoon Coffee Break" series. While we take talent management seriously, we also know it's important to have a good laugh. Check back regularly for a new ReWork cartoon.

Loneliness is one of the biggest challenges remote workers face. When working from home, it’s easy to miss—and miss out on—the social interactions a physical office setting provides. This is especially true for extroverts, who feel energized and inspired by exchanges with others. They may suffer the effects of loneliness more than introverts, who are less likely to need to regularly engage with their coworkers.

As employees across the world continue to practice social distancing in the effort to combat COVID-19, it’s in every company’s best interest to look for ways to connect with their teams (yes, even with those who are easily annoyed by social interaction). Over longer periods of time, isolation can cause employees to feel less belonging toward their respective organizations and, in some cases, result in an increased desire to leave them.

Optional virtual pizza parties and happy hours are two easy and effective ways to promote a sense of belonging. Failing to provide remote outlets for connectivity will be a missed opportunity.

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Haben wir das Ende der Homeoffice Ära erreicht?


Haben wir das Ende der Homeoffice Ära erreicht?

Mit Pandemiebeginn wurde die Arbeitswelt auf den Kopf gestellt. Arbeitgebende waren plötzlich dazu gezwungen, ihre Arbeitsweisen schnell und grundlegend zu verändern. Eine dieser wesentlichen Veränderungen war die Einführung des Homeoffice. Trotz anfänglicher Skepsis haben sowohl Arbeitnehmende und Arbeitgebende schnell die Vorteile des Homeoffice zu schätzen gelernt. Was zuvor nur in Ausnahmefällen eine Option für Arbeitnehmende war, wurde rasant zur neuen Normalität.

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