
Office Hours: How to Weave Learning into the Work Flow

Cornerstone Editors

A recent survey from Software Advice suggests that employees want three things out of their companies' L&D programs: shorter lessons, real-life rewards for learning progress and a social component to their learning—a way to compare notes with their peers.

Josh Bersin, industry analyst and founder of Bersin by Deloitte and now at, would likely agree.

In this video, Bersin lays out three strategies for making learning a permanent and non-disruptive component of the workday. First, he says, each piece of learning material should be brief; an employee is much more likely to complete a short video or blogpost than one that lasts two hours. Second, companies should invest in platforms that organize all this content in a way that makes it easy for employees to find what they need. And third, employees should be given both formal and informal opportunities to practice what they've learned.

Photo: Creative Commons

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