
Office Hours: Stuck in a Rut at Work? Here Are Strategies to Move Past It

Cornerstone Editors

This post is part of our biweekly "Office Hours" video series, featuring quick career, workplace and leadership tips from talent management experts and business leaders across the globe.

We all know the feeling of being in a rut at work: you feel apathetic, struggle to focus or find yourself staring blankly at the computer screen.

"That's absolutely normal," says Cornerstone OnDemands' Associate Vice President of Learning and Organizational Effectiveness Jeff Miller. "The key is, can you get yourself out of it?"

Scientific research suggests that our minds are wandering for almost 50 percent of our days rather than focusing on the task at hand—and this lack of focus can actually make us less happy. So rather than wait for focus to find you, follow these tips to get yourself back in the groove at work.

Photo: Creative Commons

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