
Thriving beyond COVID-19 with transformation and adaptability: Financial Services

Your customers need you now, more than ever. In order to help your customers when they need it most, your financial services business must quickly adapt to digital transformation without disrupting the ability to meet their immediate and often urgent needs. Many old processes that involved retail or in-person business must transform to a digital interface while maintaining high levels of customer service. We know this crisis has likely forced you to make some changes, but is your business truly adapting to thrive? Are you able to make change and transform at scale for a future that may never go back to “normal”? This guidebook will do a deep dive on the challenges the financial sector is facing and explore how a focus on employee experience— comprised of engagement, productivity, and compliance efforts– can support your customers, while quickly adapting your culture and operations to a digitally transformed organization.

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Soziale Isolation: Macht Corona die Menschen einsam?


Soziale Isolation: Macht Corona die Menschen einsam?

Corona, Quarantäne, geschlossene Kindergärten und Schulen. Wer es gut hat, kann in diesen Tagen wenigstens zu Hause im Home Office arbeiten. Die Beschäftigung ist eine gute Alternative zum Gang auf die Straße, der angesichts von Sicherheitsabstand und Versammlungsverbot nur wenig Freude bringt. Doch Home Office bedeutet für viele, dass sie allein zu Hause sind. Was macht diese Form der permanenten sozialen Isolationen mit uns? Wie kann man damit im Berufsalltag umgehen?

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