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ICYMI: The Secret to Keeping Your Star Employees Happy

Cornerstone Editors

Editor's Note: In today's fast-paced news cycle, we know it's difficult to stay on top of every HR insight and trend. To make sure you're updated on the latest and greatest in talent management, we're recapping our most-read stories every month in our new "In Case You Missed It" series. Keep reading for May's top stories!

How to Keep Your Star Employees From Walking Away

When you have a great team, the last thing you want to do is see them go on their way. We talk a lot about recruiting great talent, but when it comes down to it, your recruiting efforts are worthless if your company is a revolving door. You need to retain your top talent in order to make your business grow. Read on for five key ways to create an engaging workplace that allows your star employees to thrive.

7 Steps to Define Your Personal Brand

HR leaders spend a lot of time thinking about how to support and enrich other people's careers. But it's also important to turn the lens on ourselves, making sure we're fully present and fulfilled at work. Here are seven steps from William Tincup, principal analyst at Key Interval Research, on polishing up your personal brand.

Why Freddie Mac is Recruiting Employees with Autism

Today, it's widely cited that one in 68 children is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder—but less discussed is what happens when these children grow up. Young adults with autism have significantly lower employment rates than people with other disabilities, and companies like Freddie Mac and Microsoft are trying to change this. We talked to Freddie Mac's Diversity Manager about the details and results of the company’s program to hire employees with autism.

8 College Majors That Didn't Exist 5 Years Ago

As the work landscape changes, the educational landscape has to adapt as well. In honor of graduation season (which likely brought a flood of resumes to recruiters' inboxes), we took a look at a few majors that probably didn't exist when you were in college—and why they're relevant to the growing workforce.

Is Tinder Tomorrow's Recruiting Tool?

This spring, an unusual profile went up on the dating app Tinder—instead of looking for love, this new Tinder-er was seeking labor. The profile was for Havas Worldwide Chicago, an advertising agency, in an effort to recruit candidates for its summer internship program. Read more to find out if the stunt worked, and how other companies are creatively using the latest social media tools to find the best talent.

Photo: Shutterstock

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La planificación y la colaboración ayudan a la marca de cuidado de mascotas más popular de Nueva Zelanda a simplificar la gestión del talento

Historia de cliente

La planificación y la colaboración ayudan a la marca de cuidado de mascotas más popular de Nueva Zelanda a simplificar la gestión del talento

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