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Where Can HR Have the Biggest Business Impact in 2015?

Cornerstone Editors

It’s March, but it’s never too late to be evaluating your 2015 goals as an HR leader. We are all bombarded through the trade press, solution provider marketing, The Tweets, and our professional associations with the latest-and-greatest in HR process and practice. But it can be overwhelming to sort through the noise and figure out how to apply the best ideas to your specific business challenges.

And prioritization is tricky. The annual global CEO survey from PricewaterhouseCoopers found that only 34 percent of CEOs feel HR is well-prepared to capitalize on the latest wave of transformational talent trends. Faced with lots of competing talent management "best practices" and limited resources, HR professionals sometimes need some help to understand how to determine the most critical and impactful areas for their organization.

The Biggest HR Challenges of 2015

We have plenty of ideas about where to focus your precious HR resources this year, but don’t take it from Cornerstone only. We’ve decided to lock three of the industry’s brightest minds (think, giant floating brains in jars) into a sound-proofed booth tackle the question of how HR can better align with company goals. You want to know the answer and so do we: Where Can HR Have the Biggest Business Impact in 2015?

We’ve assembled Katherine Jones (Bersin by Deloitte), William Tincup (Key Interval Research) and R "Ray" Wang (Constellation Research) to help us all figure out what are the key priorities for HR list year. This includes:

  • Employee Engagement: Is this really a thing? How can HR really impact employee engagement and why does it matter?

  • Overloaded Employees: Employees are overwhelmed by too much technology, too much information and too much work. To what extent should HR step in to ensure better employee engagement and productivity?

  • Performance Reviews: How many more years are we all going to say that the traditional performance review is dead, only to keep doing the traditional performance review at year’s end? What is the impact of ongoing, social feedback on employee effectiveness?

  • Learning Systems: The LMS market is experiencing a renaissance, and is expected to grow by 23% over the five years. What's the value of prioritizing the development of a "learning culture"?

  • Big Data and Analytics: Many people claim analytics is key to making talent management more strategic. But does it make sense for every company? What does it take to use data effectively?

This is just the tip of the iceberg. We will roll through as many big ticket questions with our three Giant Brains as is possible in one hour. We hope you can join us -- register now to see where HR can have the biggest business impact this year.

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