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Office Hours: How Good Samaritan Refocused Its Business to Meet Customer Needs

Cornerstone Editors

Today, consumer trends evolve quickly, and it's often tough for businesses to keep up. In a recent PWC survey, 63 percent of business leaders said understanding what customers value and need is a challenge for company operations, and 61 percent said it's difficult for their operations to adapt fast enough to meet those needs.

Jan Ritter, the VP of workforce systems for the Good Samaritan Society, the largest not-for-profit provider of senior care and services in America, found that careful listening and observation were key to understanding customer needs quickly when the long-term care industry went through an unexpected shift.

In this video, Ritter discusses how Good Samaritan quickly refocused its business when "the silver tsunami"—a metaphor used to discuss aging baby boomers—unfolded in a way no one was expecting.

Play the video to find out exactly how they did it.

Photo: Creative Commons

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10 modi per valorizzare i colloqui individuali

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10 modi per valorizzare i colloqui individuali

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