Build power skills for healthcare & life sciences success
Healthcare and life sciences organisations are facing significant employee challenges. Staffing shortages, medical and technological advances and evolving regulations have created a need to train workers quickly and at scale. To meet these challenges and stay competitive, you need to provide training and learning opportunities that develop the critical skills necessary to thrive. With Cornerstone, you can combine deep industry insights and Skills Graph, a unique Cornerstone AI engine, to identify skill strengths, gaps and your people’s and organisation’s needs.
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Customer Story
How a global investment firm transformed employee learning
abrdn is a global investment company that helps clients and customers plan, save and invest for the future. It manages and administers £496 billion in assets on behalf of its clients (as of 30 June 2023) and is structured around three businesses — Investments, Adviser and Personal — focused on the changing needs of its clients.
Customer Story
Learn how Enphase revolutionised their employee experience using Cornerstone Learning Experience
Enphase Energy, Inc., a global energy technology company headquartered in Fremont, CA, is a leading supplier of microinverter-based solar and battery systems that enable people to harness the sun to generate, use, save their own power and monitor it all with a smart mobile app. The company revolutionised the solar industry with its microinverter-based technology and builds all-in-one solar, battery, and software solutions. Enphase has shipped more than 48 million microinverters, and over 2.5 million Enphase-based systems have been deployed in more than 140 countries.
Aidez vos collaborateurs de vente au détail à développer leurs compétences fondamentales dès aujourd’hui
Le commerce de détail compte 52 millions d’emplois aux États-Unis et 27 millions dans l’UE, qui tous font appel à une combinaison différente de compétences. Mais l’exigence commune pour toutes ces fonctions, ce sont les compétences fondamentales. Les collaborateurs doivent être qualifiés en service client, en leadership, en développement commercial, en technologie, etc. Pour relever ces défis et rester compétitifs, les distributeurs doivent offrir des possibilités de formation permettant de développer les compétences fondamentales synonymes de réussite pour les collaborateurs. Avec Cornerstone, vous disposez d’une vision approfondie du secteur associée à Skills Graph, le moteur d’IA unique de Cornerstone, pour identifier les points forts et les déficits en compétences ainsi que les besoins spécifiques de vos collaborateurs et de votre entreprise.