
Cornerstone: Leading the way in learning for 2024

Bernd Leger

Chief Marketing Officer

We're thrilled to announce that Cornerstone has been recognized as a
leader in The Forrester Wave™ for Learning Management Systems and Experience Platforms, as well as a ‘Strategic Leader’ in the 2024 Fosway 9-Grid™ for Learning Systems and a ‘Leader’ in the Aragon Research Globe™ for Corporate Learning, 2024. These prestigious recognitions are a testament to our commitment to delivering top-notch customer and learner experiences, strong market presence and unwavering strategic vision.

We couldn't be prouder of the acknowledgment of our platform's capabilities and the impact it continues to have on organizations and individuals alike.

Cornerstone Learning sets the gold standard for engaging, training and advancing today's talent. It's the most configurable, scalable enterprise-grade platform that targets the right training for the right learners and reports on skills and learning across organizations.

As the demand for professional development opportunities and relevant learning content grows, companies investing in technology to support these demands are seeing proven benefits.

"Modern work needs modern learning and development. Today, employees are seeking more unique, continuous and internal growth opportunities than ever before,” said Himanshu Palsule, CEO, Cornerstone. “Our rankings in each of these top tier analyst reports reaffirms our leadership position across the learning and development space. We remain steadfast in our commitment to creating the most personalized and accessible learning content, responsible, intuitive and intelligent technology and, most importantly, learning and talent development strategies that put people and their potential at the center.”

“There are so many pressures on companies, it is a huge challenge to be agile, to be high-performing and to be resilient, all at the same time,” said David Wilson, CEO of Fosway Group. “Learning and people sit at the heart of every business. The need for a continuously upskilled and fully-engaged workforce has never been higher.”

Thank you to our customers, partners and dedicated team members who continue to drive us forward. Together, we're redefining what's possible in learning and development. Here's to another year of leadership, growth and transformation. Let's continue making waves together, one innovation at a time!

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Cornerstone Learning Fundamentals: Wettbewerbsvorteil für mittelständische Unternehmen.


Cornerstone Learning Fundamentals: Wettbewerbsvorteil für mittelständische Unternehmen.

Mittelständische Unternehmen profitieren von gezielten Schulungen und personalisierten Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, mit denen sie Spitzenkräfte binden, einen starken Führungsnachwuchs entwickeln und das Unternehmen wettbewerbsfähig halten. Die größte Herausforderung ist jedoch, Learning und Entwicklung trotz begrenzter Ressourcen mit einem komplexen, sich schnell verändernden Geschäftsumfeld in Einklang zu bringen.

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