
Employee feedback and coaching templates

Coach, develop, and inspire your employees to better performance

Coaching employees and giving them feedback are critical management skills. Done well, they help drive employee performance, development and engagement. Done poorly, they can harm the manager-employee relationship and disengage staff.

We've put together a bundle of templates, guides and tips to help managers prepare for their 1:1 meetings so that they can give truly helpful and effective feedback to their employees.

Go from “managing” performance to coaching for growth

It’s time to embrace a proactive coaching and feedback experience that inspires your people and improves their performance, while staying aligned to your business goals.

You can learn even more about best practices for managing employee performance from our performance management product page.

Download your employee coaching and feedback tips, guides and templates to guide your coaching conversations to move the needle on performance, development and engagement.

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Performance Management und Mitarbeiterengagement sind untrennbar miteinander verbunden


Performance Management und Mitarbeiterengagement sind untrennbar miteinander verbunden

Das Konzept des Employee Engagement oder Mitarbeiterengagements wurde Anfang der 90er Jahre geprägt und tauchte erstmals im Academy of Management Journal im Artikel „Psychological Conditions of Personal Engagement and Disengagement“ auf.

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