
July 2015 Product Release: Capture

Leslie Surley Kostrikin

Director of Services, Verticals & Product Marketing, Cornerstone

Using data to generate business value has become a critical need for businesses to remain innovative and competitive. However, many organizations today are facing the challenges of information overload caused by the exponential growth and availability of data. Organizations are looking for ways to better capture, manage, and analyze data. Cornerstone’s July ’15 Release delivers tools to help organizations decipher and effectively tap into the value that their data has to offer.

Mobile: User Generated Content

In recent years, social media and the proliferation of mobile devices has compelled learners to create and share personal content—adding a new dimension to learning that has altered the traditional flow of knowledge. Now you can leverage this rich source of content by allowing your employees to capture information and upload it for others to use. Quickly and easily transfer information to your entire organization by encouraging employees to share their knowledge and experiences with their peers. In the end this creates a more collaborative and engaging learning experience, improving learning outcomes.

Recruiting: Candidate Search

Identifying candidates is the most time consuming and critical step in the recruiting life cycle. New enhancements to candidate search now allow recruiters to find well-qualified candidates faster. By using the new Candidate Search Query feature, recruiters can build Boolean searches and customized queries based on requisition fields and candidate status against profiles and attached documents to identify candidates who are truly aligned with a job opportunity. Having more control on search criteria quickly produces more relevant results and ultimately identifies candidates who will be most likely to succeed.

My Profile Redesign

The new My Profile Page was redesigned to provide the very best user experience and help users effectively manage information and tasks. The new user interface presents actionable information instantly, making it easier for both recruiters and candidates to view and manage resumes and applications right from the My Profile Page and take appropriate action.

Reporting: Custom Charting

As more and more data is collected and analyzed, presenting data in a way that users can quickly understand and use it is becoming critical. With custom charting, users can now add powerful visualizations to help bring the story to life. Add customized charts to reports to present complex information in a way that is easier to understand and consume, show trends, and share data with others.

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Cornerstone Recruiting


Cornerstone Recruiting

Die jüngsten Disruptionen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt beeinflussen die Art und Weise, wie Unternehmen aller Branchen und Regionen an das Recruiting und die Bindung qualifizierter Mitarbeiter:innen herangehen.

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