
Tips for Converting ILT to Virtual Classroom Delivery

Cornerstone Editors

“Deliver that training online!” Its easy for your boss (or their boss) to say that, but successfully converting classroom training to the virtual classroom takes work. Its just similar enough to trick you into thinking its easy. But your traditional learning methodologies need a makeover if theyre going to work in the virtual classroom. Think about the best virtual sessions you have attended – we bet it was more than lecture and uploaded PowerPoints!

Join Cornerstone and the Training Officers Consortium for a session that will explore the six key principles of successfully designing for any virtual classroom platform. The principles of feedback, equipment functionality, instructions, scripting, visual and verbal cues, and time management provide a blueprint for adapting traditional classroom methodologies for live, online instruction. Learn best practices gained from over 20 years experience designing, developing, facilitating, and producing online events. These principles will provide the guidance you need to create successful live, online learning experiences.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The six guiding principles of virtual classroom design
  • The benefits and limitations of common virtual classroom tools, including how to compare functionality, speed of set up, and ease of use
  • How to design interactions for your chosen virtual classroom platform
  • The logistics behind the scenes and how that affects delivery
  • A strategy for implementing design and delivery best practices within your organization.

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