
Weekly Must Reads: Fears Rise Over Robot Job-Takers

Cornerstone Editors

The top stories HR pros need to know this week.

The fear that technology will take away jobs date back centuries, but analysts say it may be warranted this time around. Artificial intelligence is taking off, while American workers are learning skills more slowly.

Read more at The New York Times.

From CHRO to CEO

Looking for a new CEO? Consider a chief human resources officer. Turns out CEOs share more traits with HR execs than others in the C-Suite, according to a new study.

Read more at HBR.

Comcast Lures Tech Stars With "Traditional" Job Perks

In an effort to lure top tech talent from Silicon Valley startups to a cable company center in Philadelphia, Comcast is touting old-school perks like the ability to walk to work, own a house and — shocker! — have actual vacation time.

Hottest Government Jobs

Government jobs may be steady, but they’re not often portrayed as the most engaging. According to the newly released 2014 "Best Places to Work in the Federal Government" survey, some agencies have bucked the trend to drastically improve morale.

Read more at The Washington Post.

Latest in Workplace Diversity: Brains

Companies are wrestling with a new workplace diversity issue: brain differences. Some say employers are on the cusp of a civil rights movement for workers on the autism spectrum or who have conditions like ADHD and mood disorders.

Read more at Fortune.

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Strategische Investitionen in Talente auch in Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Unsicherheit


Strategische Investitionen in Talente auch in Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Unsicherheit

Es ist ein Freitagnachmittag und mein Telefon klingelt. Eine meiner Kundinnen kommt gerade aus einerVorstandssitzung. Gemeinsam wollten wir einen Transformationsprozess für Ihre Talentorganisation einleiten. Nach ein paar Sekunden verstehe ich, dass unser Projekt aufgrund von Budgetkürzungen auf Eis gelegt wurde. 

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