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Cartoon Coffee Break: Back to a New Normal

Terry LaBan

Cartoonist and Illustrator

Editor's Note: This post is part of our "Cartoon Coffee Break" series. While we take talent management seriously, we also know it's important to have a good laugh. Check back regularly for a new ReWork cartoon.

Across the U.S., states are starting to reopen, and soon employees will be going back to work. Some may want to jump right back into old routines and commutes, but they will be greeted by a lot of change: In most public spaces and shared environments like the workplace, there will be an increased awareness around any and all public health risks. Most offices will have to physically restructure to account for social distancing.

To prepare for this transition, employers are reviewing guidance from public health officials, considering more remote work-friendly policies and investing in converting traditional workspaces to socially-distant operations. Among employees, some are excited to return to their workplaces while others plan to continue working from home until this public health crisis ends if their job (and employer) allows. Regardless of how the next few months play out, the previously universal phrase "going to work" is sure to take on a new meaning as people adapt to a new normal.

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El departamento de IT, el aliado perfecto para su analítica de RR.HH.

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El departamento de IT, el aliado perfecto para su analítica de RR.HH.

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