Webinar on-demand

What is wellbeing anyway?

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The term wellbeing has been thrown around as a catch-all term for many years in business circles, and as such has started to lose its true meaning. Is it free bacon butties on a Monday morning or a Pac-Man Arcade Machine in the lunch room? Or is it something a lot harder to define and achieve in today’s work environment?

During this Cornerstone webinar, wellbeing expert, Liggy Webb, will look to demystify ‘wellbeing’, provide some thought-provoking observations and offer practical ways HR and Talent Professionals can support a culture of ‘modern-day’ wellbeing in their organisations.

Liggy will cover the below topics and much more in her session:

  • Understanding the value of building a culture of wellbeing
  • Leading with compassion and empathy to build trust
  • Supporting people through volatility, disruption and uncertainty
  • Helping people find meaning and purpose in what they do to deliver better business outcomes
  • Promoting positivity and eliminating toxic influences

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