
Enabling organizational agility through talent & people success

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Over the past two years, the how, when, where and why of work have been challenged like never before. In the modern economy, being able to execute brilliantly in new and unexpected ways, and quickly, is often the difference between success and failure. Agility is a key foundation for organizational success.

Great people power great agility, and skills power great people.

But, in the wake of the Great Resignation, organizations are struggling to attract and retain workers. Thus, the onus is on organizations to develop their own. This enables employers to retain workers and grow the skills they need now, but also to build the irresistible and magnetic reputation that enables them to attract the best talent in the future.

Join Fosway & Cornerstone as they share valuable insights into the importance of organizational agility and how to create an agile business model.

In this webinar you’ll learn how to:

  • Reassess your talent strategies
  • Embrace talent mobility as a central pillar of your people strategy
  • Rethink work so opportunities are more accessible for your workforce
  • Get AI and machine learning to do the heavy lifting
  • Set clear measures of success

Watch today to learn how to create a skills-forward approach so that your workforce is ready to adapt to any future.



Cornerstone Skills Graph


Cornerstone Skills Graph

将来に備えた人財の育成を強化する組織には、従業 員の能力に焦点を当ててスキルを重視する、AIを活用 した人財管理システムが必要です。従業員と人財管理 システムをつなぐものとしてスキルに着目することで、 従業員の能力とスキルギャップを包括的に把握し、人 員を戦略的に配置することができるようになります。し かし、これは管理上の負担が大きくなり、時間の経過 とともに持続不可能になる場合が多いものです。



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