How to Prepare Employees to Step Up When Leadership Steps Down


How to Prepare Employees to Step Up When Leadership Steps Down

Part of HR's greatest responsibility lies with succession planning: we must identify and develop the next generation of leadership so they may step up when current leadership steps down. It's incredibly important to the future of an organization: a 2016 Borderless survey on Leadership Development cited ability having enough capable leaders as one of the top organizational challenges most companies face.

Rita Trehan

5 Tips for Crisis Management in the Digital Age


5 Tips for Crisis Management in the Digital Age

Crisis management is a tool many leaders keep in their toolkit, but secretly hope they never need to use on a grand scale. While minor situations arise regularly in the course of business, larger scale issues can end careers and destroy entire corporate profiles if handled incorrectly. We need only look to Equifax and their epic data breach, which called for the release of their CEO and launched a Department of Justice investigation, to see the sweeping impact of poorly handled crises.

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