MyGuide: Plattform för digital anpassning och automatisering
Företag förväntar sig att digitala transformationsprojekt ska förbättra produktiviteten, minska kostnaderna för sökning och support, och ge en skjuts till innovation i hela företaget. MyGuide ger företag en stabil men användarvänlig Digital Adoption Platform där de kan introducera nya användare, implementera förändringar, öka produktiviteten och förbättra resultatet med interaktiva guider i realtid. Skapa fokus på produktivitet, innovation och viktiga uppgifter.
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Cornerstone Guide
Organizations expect digital transformation projects to improve productivity, reduce search and support costs, and boost innovation across the board. Cornerstone Guide gives organizations a robust but simple-to-use Digital Adoption Platform to onboard users, roll out changes, enhance productivity, and improve performance with real-time and interactive guides. Create focus on productivity, innovation, and high-value tasks.
Customer Story
Transforming risk management training at CJPIA with Cornerstone
The California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) isn't just a self-insurance pool — it's a beacon of risk management excellence. Since its establishment in 1978, CJPIA has been committed to protecting 126 municipalities and special districts across California. Its mission? To transform the way public agencies handle risk through innovative training and education.
Blog Post
The not-so-secret use of AI in business writing
Have you heard? There’s an open secret floating around the office: many employees are covertly using AI to complete tasks, improving their overall work experience. A Workforce Lab at Slack survey revealed that 81% of AI users reported an increase in productivity using AI. Because of this, they experienced 24% higher overall job satisfaction and were 29% more likely to feel passionate about their work. But there are a few reasons why this is happening under the radar.