Blog Post

Office Hours: Don't Build a Career, Gain Skill Sets

Cornerstone Editors

This post is part of our biweekly "Office Hours" video series, featuring quick career, workplace and leadership tips from talent management experts and business leaders across the globe.

Considering that 85 percent of the jobs of 2030 don't even exist yet, it might be unwise for new entrants to the workforce to stubbornly commit themselves to one career. But if there's anything employees should doggedly pursue, according to Summer Salomonsen, head of Cornerstone Content Studios, it's expanding their knowledge base.

Salomonsen, for example, wishes someone had told her younger self, "You're not building a career—you're amassing skill sets."

In this video, she explains why her early ambition—to be a high school English teacher—didn't exactly pan out the way she expected, but how the skills she gained propelled her down a varied, unpredictable and rewarding career path.

Photo: Creative Commons

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