On-demand Webinar

Thriving in a Global Skills Shortage

The new realities of work have created long-term impacts — good and bad — for your organization and your people. The organizations that successfully navigate this uncharted wilderness are able to thrive by developing the skills of their people.

Mike Bollinger, VP Strategic Initiatives at Cornerstone, will walk you through insights from Cornerstone original research and how successful organizations worldwide use skills to ensure their people are thriving post-pandemic.

In this webinar you’ll learn:

  • How high-performing organizations are leading with skills
  • The employer vs employee confidence gap
  • The current state of skills development around the world
  • Practical tactics for leading with skills

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Bank Hapoalim leads the charge for HR in finance

Customer Story

Bank Hapoalim leads the charge for HR in finance

Bank Hapoalim, one of Israel's leading financial institutions, has always been committed to empowering its employees and providing exceptional service to its clients. Recognizing the crucial role of continuous learning and development in achieving these goals, the bank sought a state-of-the-art learning management system (LMS) that could meet its diverse needs. After a thorough evaluation, Bank Hapoalim chose Cornerstone's comprehensive LMS, confident that it would deliver the innovative and flexible solutions necessary for their workforce.

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