
Workforce Agility For Dummies

Cornerstone Special Edition

The world of work is changing faster and faster.
And for the most part, we aren’t keeping up. There’s a growing divide between our ability to adapt to change and the speed of that change. This divide is called the workforce readiness gap, and it’s pulling apart more and more organizations and their people. 

The workforce readiness gap leads to underperformance, unrealized revenue, barriers to transformation, and more. If we don’t act and act fast, the gap is only going to get wider. It takes a collective effort between organizations and their people. It takes workforce agility.

In our new book “Workforce Agility For Dummies, Cornerstone Special Edition,” you’ll learn everything you need to know about the widening the workforce readiness gap, why workforce agility is the best way to close it, how to create a workforce agility strategy at your organization, and why workforce agility is so beneficial to you and your people.

Inside, you’ll find tips, reminders, insights, and warnings for:

  • Building a culture of opportunity
  • Empowering people to continually upskill
  • Lifting employee engagement and retention
  • Transforming strategy with skills data
  • Improving mobility by hiring from within
  • Accelerating innovation and profitability
  • Creating satisfied, repeat customers
  • And so much more!

Don't let the workforce readiness gap hinder your organization. Start paving the way to success today unlocking the secrets to closing the workforce readiness gap in “Workforce Agility For Dummies, Cornerstone Special Edition" today. Download below.

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Workforce Agility für Dummies


Workforce Agility für Dummies

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