
ICYMI: Why You Should Hire Self-Starters

Cornerstone Editors

Editor's Note: In today's fast-paced news cycle, we know it's difficult to keep up with the latest and greatest HR trends and stories. To make sure you're updated, we're recapping our most popular articles every month in our "In Case You Missed It" series. Keep reading for March's top stories!

Why You Should Hire People Who Write Their Own Job Descriptions

Sarah Feingold was hired on the spot as Etsy's 17th employee. Her story offers lessons on the importance of recognizing self-disruptors for a growing business.

Are Your Employees Hard Wired for Engagement?

How can you determine if the candidate you're about to hire is going to be engaged at work? Turns out there are four personality traits you can look for that indicate someone is more likely to be engaged when they become employees.

Show, Don't Tell: Why Recruiters Should Ask for More Than a Resume

Employers typically trust that the skills described on candidates' resumes means they can meet the requirements of the job. But there's a new paradigm afoot in recruiting—candidates can now  showcased in their resumes through project-based hiring practices and behavioral interviewing.

Three Steps to Make Learning Last

Learning programs can be expensive. So, how do you make sure your learning pays off? Here are three steps to ensure your learning investment lasts.

Photo: Creative Commons

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Strategische Investitionen in Talente auch in Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Unsicherheit


Strategische Investitionen in Talente auch in Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Unsicherheit

Es ist ein Freitagnachmittag und mein Telefon klingelt. Eine meiner Kundinnen kommt gerade aus einerVorstandssitzung. Gemeinsam wollten wir einen Transformationsprozess für Ihre Talentorganisation einleiten. Nach ein paar Sekunden verstehe ich, dass unser Projekt aufgrund von Budgetkürzungen auf Eis gelegt wurde. 

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