
Overcoming the skills crisis in today's modern workplace

As we enter what many economists are referring to as the 4th Industrial Revolution — triggered by mass digitization and the emergence of AI and automation — organizations around the globe are racing to figure out how to effectively address the ripple effect of a rising skills shortage.

The skills crisis is having a dramatic impact on the workforce. The skills that were coveted yesterday no longer ensure success tomorrow. Communication, adaptability, decision-making, problem-solving — these types of soft skills are paving the way for the future of work. And talent leaders everywhere are actively cultivating these capabilities within their workforce.

How to use learning to future-proof your business

According to the Brandon Hall Group, a research and analyst firm, fewer than 10% of companies believe they are completely prepared to develop the skills the future will require.

In today’s heightened skills crisis, organizations and the people who work for them have to understand how to continually develop and reinvent themselves in order to remain competitive. In this whitepaper, you'll discover:

  • The current state of the global skills crisis
  • Actionable steps you can take to cultivate a learning culture throughout the employee lifecycle
  • How to root learning in the DNA of your organization

Download the whitepaper and start future-proofing your organization against the skills crisis today!

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Skills als Währung der Zukunft im Human-Capital-Management


Skills als Währung der Zukunft im Human-Capital-Management

Das 21. Jahrhundert ist von wachsender Komplexität und Unsicherheit geprägt. Gibt es einen klaren Weg, um dauerhaft erfolgreich zu sein? Den gibt es. Unternehmen müssen sowohl Toptalente überzeugen als auch die einzigartigen Fähigkeiten, die bereits intern vorhanden sind, fördern und weiterentwickeln. Im Zeitalter der Skills-Ontologie, in dem wir uns gerade befinden, wird neu definiert, wie wir „Human Capital“ (also das Personal bzw. Mitarbeitende) wahrnehmen und in ihre Fähigkeiten investieren.

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