
Prioritizing the candidate journey through recruitment automation

When considering recruitment automation, the benefits to the recruiter and talent acquisition team are hard to deny. Yet, the benefits to the candidate are too often ignored. Recruitment Automation plays a critical role in communicating with individuals, personalizing the recruitment process, and building trust between candidates and employers. As the competition for talent intensifies, companies need to prioritize the impact of recruitment automation on the candidate experience and ensure that candidates are moving along through the process. This report based on data collected in 2018 will highlight the role of recruitment automation on the candidate journey and outline strategies for success.When considering recruitment automation, the benefits to the recruiter and talent acquisition team are hard to deny. Yet, the benefits to the candidate are too often ignored. Recruitment Automation plays a critical role in communicating with individuals, personalizing the recruitment process, and building trust between candidates and employers. As the competition for talent intensifies, companies need to prioritize the impact of recruitment automation on the candidate experience and ensure that candidates are moving along through the process. This report based on data collected in 2018 will highlight the role of recruitment automation on the candidate journey and outline strategies for success.

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