You, Me, We – Managing the talent experience
Today’s world is incredibly unpredictable. Think of all the upheavals businesses have had to weather in recent years, from Brexit, to COVID-19, the Great Resignation, and more. Even before this, there was the 2008 financial meltdown. All of this impacts the world of work, meaning organisations must always prepare for times of instability.
Three key lessons when leading through change
From the financial crisis of 2008, Brexit, COVID and this year the war in Ukraine – the business world has had its fair share of shifting moments during my tenure at Cornerstone.
Why Human Capital Management is crucial in an unpredictable world
Businesses worldwide face challenging times, with inflation and the energy crisis creating significant pressures. It's not the first time we are encountering global business challenges, and it certainly won't be the last. Think of all the other upheavals businesses have had to weather in recent years, from Brexit to COVID-19, the Great Resignation, and more. Even before this, there was the 2008 financial meltdown. We can glean that there will always be times of instability that we need to prepare for.
La gestion du capital humain : une activité essentielle dans un monde imprévisible
Les temps sont durs pour les entreprises, mises à mal par l'inflation engendrée par la crise énergétique. Ce n’est certes pas la première fois que de tels défis pèsent sur leur compétitivité, et ce ne sera certainement pas la dernière. Brexit, COVID-19, Grande Démission... Brexit, COVID-19, Grande Démission... Difficile d'oublier ces crises majeures auxquelles les entreprises ont dû faire face ces dernières années. D'ailleurs, personne n'a oublié la crise financière de 2008. C’est bien le signe que les périodes d’instabilité existeront toujours et qu’il faut s’y préparer.
Leading the next generation of employees
As labour markets strive to rebound from the impact of the pandemic, a historic talent shortage has emerged. Three out of every four companies globally have reported talent shortages and difficulty hiring – a 16-year high. Compounding this is “The Great Resignation”, driven by Gen Zs and millennials’ changing priorities, in many cases fuelled by the conditions of the lockdowns.
Leading the next generation of employees
As labor markets strive to rebound from the impact of the pandemic, a historic talent shortage has emerged. Three out of every four companies globally have reported talent shortages and difficulty hiring – a 16-year high. Compounding this is “The Great Resignation," driven by Gen Zs and millennials’ changing priorities, in many cases fueled by the conditions of the lockdowns.
Building a workforce skilled for any future
Our initial research during the height of the pandemic last year uncovered what we at Cornerstone have coined “the skills confidence gap" essentially the gap in confidence levels between employers and employees on an organization’s skills development support. Two years later, we wanted to see whether the pandemic served only to exacerbate this problem, or whether it has improved skills development initiatives across different organizations. We conducted another round of research and found that, unfortunately, the gap seems to be widening.
Leading the next generation of employees
As labour markets strive to rebound from the impact of the pandemic, a historic talent shortage has emerged. Three out of every four companies globally have reported talent shortages and difficulty hiring – a 16-year high. Compounding this is “The Great Resignation”, driven by Gen Zs and millennials’ changing priorities, in many cases fuelled by the conditions of the lockdowns.
Building a workforce skilled for any future
Our initial research during the height of the pandemic last year uncovered what we at Cornerstone have coined “the skills confidence gap”, essentially the gap in confidence levels between employers and employees on an organisation’s skills development support. Two years later, we wanted to see whether the pandemic served only to exacerbate this problem, or whether it has improved skills development initiatives across different organisations. We conducted another round of research and found that, unfortunately, the gap seems to be widening.
Leiderschapslessen uit wereldwijde ontwrichting
De financiële crisis in 2008, Brexit, de coronapandemie en nu de oorlog in Oekraïne – we worden niet bepaald gespaard als het gaat om wereldwijde, onvoorspelbare en ontwrichtende gebeurtenissen. Al deze gebeurtenissen hebben hun invloed op de zakelijke wereld – en dit heeft zo zijn gevolgen voor zakelijk leiderschap. Welke lessen kunnen we hieruit trekken?
You, me, we — Managing the talent experience
Today’s world is incredibly unpredictable. Think of all the upheavals businesses have had to weather in recent years, from Brexit to COVID-19, the Great Resignation, and more. Even before this, there was the 2008 financial meltdown. All of this impacts the world of work, meaning organizations must always prepare for times of instability.