
The power of learning: How Essex County Council transformed their learning programme

Cornerstone Editors

In the ever-evolving landscape of workforce development, organisations are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance their learning programs. One such example is Essex County Council's remarkable journey of reinventing their approach to learning. In a recent HR Grapevine podcast, Rebecca Muddiman, Senior Regional Leader of Customer Success at Cornerstone, engaged in an enlightening conversation with Will Chaney, Learning and Development Lead at Essex County Council, providing valuable insights into their journey of making learning both effective and innovative.

Essex County Council’s dedication to learning

Essex County Council is a huge local authority with over eight and a half thousand people involved in crucial areas like social care, waste management and libraries. Learning is at the heart of everything they do, which is why they are called a “learning organisation,” and sets them apart from others. This unwavering commitment to learning has yielded remarkable results, including an "outstanding" rating for their children's services. They are the first local authority to achieve this in all five areas.

Fostering a learning culture

When asked how Essex County Council sustains this culture of continuous learning, Will Chaney shared that they follow a two-pronged approach within the organisation:

  • Learning is owned within each function, empowering people to take charge of their learning journey aligning with the overarching "Everyone’s Essex strategy."
  • They leverage Cornerstone's Learning Management System to tailor learning content to individual employees, emphasising the importance of personal growth beyond their daily tasks.

Unlocking the path to success in learning transformation

Essex County Council's transformative journey in learning is a testament to their commitment to people development and growth. By combining a culture of learning with Cornerstone's robust learning management system, they have achieved remarkable results and set a benchmark for other organisations to follow. The podcast episode provides a deeper dive into their strategies and insights. To learn more about Essex County Council's inspiring journey, listen to the full podcast episode and discover the secrets behind their successful learning transformation.

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Cornerstone Learning Management

En el entorno digital actual, las organizaciones quieren convertir la formación corporativa en experiencias de formación digital para crear equipos ágiles que cumplan las normas y que estén altamente cualificados. Tanto los líderes de RR. HH. como los de formación son responsables de proporcionar resultados esenciales para el negocio, a la vez que deben administrar y hacer un seguimiento de la compleja formación del personal en todos los departamentos y sistemas desconectados.

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