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Cornerstone Among First Organizations to Achieve ISO 27701 Gold Standard in Data Privacy

Cornerstone Editors

At Cornerstone, we’re on a journey to continuously demonstrate our commitment to data privacy and people protection. Today, we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve been awarded the ISO 27701 certification for our Privacy Information Management System. Considered to be the first globally recognized privacy certification, and aligned with GDPR, ISO 27701 is an extension of the gold standard in security. It requires organizations to adhere to a structured framework of information security and personal data protection requirements and outlines practical guidance for managing privacy programs.

"With this new certification, we are bringing the power of people protection to all of our clients across the globe," explained José Alberto Rodríguez Ruiz, Global Data Protection Officer at Cornerstone. "We are focused on offering all organizations we work with the reassurance for how we handle their data, providing compliance reporting and career protection. Ultimately, this enables our clients to also gain the trust of their employees."

Achieving ISO 27701 was a top priority for Cornerstone after it was enacted last fall.

"We believe this certification marks a key milestone for both us and data privacy in general," said José. "It’s about more than protecting data: we protect the data to protect the people."

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