
How to jumpstart your career (for free!) with WorkforceReady

Alec Green

Head of Marketing, Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation

In 2019 the Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation launched with a simple but powerful mission: To enable job seekers to build the foundational skills required for success in the modern workplace.

The online courses and certificate programs in WorkforceReady cover essential non-technical skills ranging from collaboration and time management to interviewing and resume writing. All 100% free.

WorkforceReady is for anyone committed to developing their career to reach their full potential by providing high-quality, relevant online learning resources at zero cost.

People can sign up and take these courses for free, and workforce development agencies can use WorkforceReady to supplement the vocational training and job-placement services they traditionally provide.

"The content available through WorkforceReady is an integral complement to our career pathways programming that seeks to prepare young adults with the vital skills necessary to obtain essential work experience and succeed in today's workforce."
– Bridget Netter, Vice President, Business Education Partnerships UNITE-LA

Why join WorkforceReady? Grow your skills, earn certificates and get hired

We understand that entering the workforce during a pandemic isn't easy, and companies need to find better ways to integrate younger workers into their culture, with many offices remaining closed. WorkforceReady helps bridge the gap by providing interns and new employees critical training on the professional skills they don’t teach in school.

To build the skills needed to land your dream job and advance your career, WorkforceReady offers three professional certificate programs:

  • InterviewReady – Learn the best practices to ace your big interview
  • InternshipReady – Learn business communication and thrive as an intern
  • CareerReady – Take your skills to the next level and become a key contributor at work

"The most valuable things I learned were those related to negotiation and ownership because as a person who has never had a job, I did not know what to expect."

– Angela UNITE-LA Student

Get your career started

Join thousands of young people who have used WorkforceReady to build their professional skills. Whether you're at school, home, or your favorite cafe, it's easy to find new courses or pick up where you left off. Visit to learn more about the program and create a free account today!

To learn more about best practices for managing a successful virtual internship program and learn how to access free WorkforceReady training resources, join us for the next webinar!

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