
HR Labs: Building connection into the workplace of the future

Trending topics of the modern workplace

Join host Marc Ramos, Chief Learning Officer at Cornerstone, for HR Labs Season 5, where we empower people to be their most extraordinary. Dive into the series and stay tuned for the last remaining episode as we continue to explore the theme of "Building connection into the workplace of the future." Visit our page for updates and explore our blog for in-depth discussions and insights on creating a more interconnected work environment.

The evolution of workplace learning

Join Julian Stodd, researcher, consultant, and founder of Sea Salt Learning, as he unveils the secrets to building extraordinary teams for a future-ready workforce. Discover the essential components of effective teamwork and collaboration that inspire growth. Read related blog

The power of skills: Redefining career paths for future success

Raffaella Sadun, professor of business administration at Harvard Business School and leader of their Digital Reskilling Lab, shares insights on being a skills-based organization. Learn remote collaboration strategies to boost productivity, maintain connections, and inspire innovation in the digital workspace. Read related blog

Using mentorship to unlock talent development

Whitney Johnson, CEO of Disruption Advisors, explores the impact of mentors on employee growth and development. Delving into the S-curve model, she discusses career stages, mentorship versus coaching, and the importance of being mentorable. Read related blog

Is AI the missing piece of corporate learning?

Marc Zao-Sanders, CEO of learning tech company Filtered, explores the role of AI in improving organizational learning. He discusses how AI tackles "content chaos," the diverse applications of generative AI, and the potential of AI in HR. Read related blog. Read related blog

Driving business success by connecting people to their purpose

In the latest episode, Jason Lauritsen, an expert in employee engagement, delves into the topic of connecting jobs to meaning. He shares insights on how organizations can adapt to evolving employee expectations and assist their workforce in finding purpose in their work. Read related blog

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