
Simply the right thing to do

Global companies are very keen to get as high ESG ratings as possible (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) because it affects shareholder value. But Marc Ramos, Chief Learning Officer at Cornerstone, points out that ESG is really significant for HR and learning, not necessarily from a metrics and compliance perspective, but from a cultural one. He says ESG is important because it simply is the right thing to do. It shows that the organisation is honest about and believes in taking care of employees, the earth and the future. This is attractive to external talent and helps to retain staff, regardless of which sector, market or size of business you’re in.

Another crucial area for any high-growth company is digitalisation, but get ready for the next wave, which will focus on individualisation. New generative AI solutions like ChatGPT, Google’s Bard and others will significantly change work. These cutting-edge tech solutions will increase productivity and make work more exciting and fun for employees.

Read more about why ESG and technology really matter for your talent management in the Talent Health Index report:

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