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Office Hours: How to Set Employee Goals in Our Fast-Paced World

Cornerstone Editors

Editor's Note: This post is part of our biweekly "Office Hours" video series, featuring quick career, workplace and leadership tips from talent management experts and business leaders across the globe.

Whether you're a person or a corporation, it's almost impossible to grow without setting goals and outline a strategy to meet them. But, as the Harvard Business Review points out, setting goals is only half the battle—nearly three-fourths of large organizations struggle to implement their strategies for development. And it's not any easier on an individual employee level, either.

James Webb, Fossil Group's VP of global people development and engagement, attributes this challenge to the ever-changing preferences of the customer. How, he asks, can an employee adapt to consumer-driven changes, while sticking to their own personal career-bolstering track?

In this video, Webb explains that employees need tools, time and space to develop their skills and reach their professional ambitions. With something called Scorecard Day, Fossil Group encourages employees to reflect on their goals and adjust them as needed, thereby creating a fluid and agile workforce.

Photo: Creative Commons

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