
Weekly Must-Reads: An Academy for Government CIOs

Cornerstone Editors

The top stories HR pros need to know this week.

The University of Chicago launched the country's first master’s program that combines public policy education and IT skill development. The program’s founder says there’s a need to build a pipeline of public employees who understand information technology. While students won't build Web applications, they'll understand enough about coding to manage IT projects.

Read more at Governing.com

Don’t Ignore the Future of Work

Humans are wired to remember the past and respond to the present, but they’re not always sharp when it comes to thinking into the future. A veteran of human behavioral assessment pinpoints three trends impacting the future of work that we're not prepared for, including skyrocketing levels of stress.

Read more at Fast Company

Why HR Must Get It's Act Together

HR garners criticism for two reasons, Carol Anderson says. First, because executives don’t demand that HR leaders actually add value. Second, because HR doesn’t ask good business questions. To justify a seat at the decision-making table, she argues, HR must offer effective, strategic leadership.

Read more at HBR

State Hiring Gets a Jolt

Richard Gillihan, California’s director of human resources, says he wants to fix the state’s byzantine hiring practices and make the government an employer that can compete with tech companies for the brightest minds. While previous directors focused on union relations, Gillihan says he’ll focus on eliminating unnecessary bureaucracy and properly apply technology to the workplace.

Read more at the Sacramento Bee

A Love-Hate Relationship with Glassdoor

Employers have a complicated relationship with Glassdoor. While it can be an effective recruiting tool, the job-review website often contains imperfect and biased information. Companies that pay for enhanced profiles can polish their listings — a fact that doesn’t sit well with many employers.

Read more at Inc.



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Cornerstone Talent Experience Platform

当社のTalent Experience Platformは、総合的なエンドツーエンドの人財開発体験です。これは、従業員の成長を重視しAIの技術を生かした最先端で業界最高クラスのタレントツールであり、人財開発責任者にとっての理想のエンゲージメント、成長、変革の実現をお手伝いします。



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