
How to design your skills strategy

Preparing for never-ending disruption, change and innovation is a fact of daily life for organizations since the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. But how do they keep up with the pace of change and become resilient?

To remain nimble and adapt to constant change, L&D Professionals must develop the skills of their people for the jobs of today. This dynamic and interactive webinar will give you the foundation for building a customized skills strategy that aligns to your mission and people strategies.

You’ll learn the three critical steps in designing a skills strategy that drives growth for the future:

  • Effective business strategy and inspiring vision
  • Valuable internal feedback as a primary source for better decisions
  • External environment in shaping the future of industries or organizations

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Cornerstone Recruiting


Cornerstone Recruiting

Die jüngsten Disruptionen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt beeinflussen die Art und Weise, wie Unternehmen aller Branchen und Regionen an das Recruiting und die Bindung qualifizierter Mitarbeiter:innen herangehen.

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