
Build great, engaging managers


A recent Udemy study found that nearly half of employees surveyed had quit because of a bad manager, and almost two-thirds believed their manager lacked proper managerial training.

Translation? Employees aren’t quitting their jobs—they’re quitting their bosses. That’s bad news for organizations planning for innovation, succession, and market longevity. Your people are your organization’s most valuable resource—and turnover is expensive not just in terms of sourcing, rehiring, and training costs, but also lost productivity.

Yet being a good, let alone a great, boss is tough.

Managers may have skills, training, education, and experience to create an engaged, motivated workforce. According to Gallup, today’s great managers—those who drive higher levels of engagement and productivity in employees—are “strengths-based, engagement-focused, and performance-oriented.”

Download the ebook to learn how to create all-star managers that employees love.

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