Témoignage de client

Empowering Employees by Learning & Development at Amplifon

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Learning and development strategies must continue to evolve in the ever-changing world of work. Training and development provide employees with a softer landing into change, and the introduction of digital learning and development platforms allowed employees a smoother transition into a new style of work.

Amplifon created a learning and development strategy that is hyper-personalised and skills-focused, allowing their people and their entire organisations to become more agile and adaptable. Amplifon invested not only in learning and development content but also in strengthening the global network and collaboration across geographies and functions, to encourage an equal sense of belonging across the entire organisation.

Amplifon created a learning and development strategy that is hyper-personalised and skills-focused, allowing their people and their entire organisations to become more agile and adaptable. Amplifon invested not only in learning and development content but also in strengthening the global network and collaboration across geographies and functions, to encourage an equal sense of belonging across the entire organisation.

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Cornerstone Learning Fundamentals

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Cornerstone Learning Fundamentals

La formation est plus que jamais essentielle à la réussite d’une entreprise. Vous devez pouvoir déployer et suivre les formations nécessaires, renforcer les compétences de vos collaborateurs pour répondre à de nouveaux besoins et offrir des opportunités de croissance pour retenir vos éléments les plus performants. Mais il vous faut également une solution tout-en-un, facile à administrer et rapidement déployée, adaptée à votre entreprise de taille moyenne.

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