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Three key learning trends for 2022 – what to know and the myths to avoid

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What should L&D professionals be aware of in 2022? There’s plenty that’s new to discuss, but what’s real and what’s hype?

In this session, Cornerstone’s Mike Bollinger and Donald H Taylor of the Learning Technologies Conference discuss three areas where L&D needs to distinguish fact from fiction.

They’ll explore three key learning trends for 2022, looking at what’s changed, the role technology has to play, and how L&D professionals will need to adjust to make the most of the opportunities here, and avoid the inevitable pitfalls.

What you’ll learn:

  • Why predicting the future is tough, and how wildly wrong some attempts have been in the past
  • Why much of the noise around skills is less a revolution and more of an evolution, and what that means for your reskilling and upskilling programmes
  • How technological solutions are only ever part of the solution, and many under-serve the large numbers of deskless workers
  • How the L&D profession is challenged as never before, and what it can do to support workplace learning without being a bottleneck

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