Billet de blog
Artificial intelligence will humanise work, not replace it
Artificial intelligence: “Humans are far from having lost their place in business”
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How AI can help managers be better coaches
More and more people are searching for purpose in the workplace. Recent research from the Cornerstone People Research Lab (CPRL) found that globally, 66% of employees said meaningful work was “extremely” or “very” important when choosing an employer, and in order to find meaning in what we do in the workplace, we often turn to our peers and managers.
Billet de blog
Was leistet der Cornerstone Skills Graph?
Gerade erst haben wir unser Cornerstone Skills Graph vorgestellt, und nun denken Sie sich vielleicht: Das klingt ja alles wirklich sehr spannend. Aber was genau kann das Ganze leisten? Und worin besteht für mich der konkrete Mehrwert? Um Antworten auf all diese Fragen zu geben, haben wir uns mit Cyril Le Mat, Direktor für Data Science bei Cornerstone, zusammengesetzt, der einiges an Input dazu liefern kann. So hoffen wir, Ihnen einen detaillierteren Überblick darüber zu bieten, was mit Cornerstone Skills Graph alles möglich ist.
Billet de blog
Artificial Intelligence Will Humanize Work, Not Replace It
This piece was originally published on the Cornerstone Blog.
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#AIForHR : Four ways how AI will impact HR
As the Director of Data Science for Cornerstone, I get asked many questions about Artificial Intelligence and the impact it is having in our world. The most common concern amongst HR professionals is to see their function becoming dehumanised over time! For the past few years, HR departments have invested a lot of time and money in changing their internal perception be more approachable and reliable, regaining the trust from their employees. Terms like “human-centric” have been very relevant in this new way of serving the organisation, being there strategically for the C-Suite and offering transparency while empowering employees to own their development with Human Capital Management systems that enable the staff to realise their full potential.
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What Is the Cornerstone Skills Graph?
We just announced the Cornerstone Skills Graph and you might be thinking – that sounds cool, but what is it? We caught up with Cyril Le Mat, director of data science at Cornerstone to answer all those questions and give you more insight into what the Cornerstone Skills Graph can do for you.
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#AIForHR: Vier Wege wie AI HR beeinflussen wird
Als Director of Data Science bei Cornerstone werden mir viele Fragen rund um die Künstliche Intelligenz und deren Auswirkungen auf unsere Arbeitswelt gestellt. Hierbei unterbreiten mir HR-Profis am häufigsten die Sorge, dass ihr Job mit der Zeit zunehmend an Menschlichkeit verliert. Haben doch HR-Abteilungen in den letzten Jahren viel Zeit und Geld dafür aufgewendet, ihre Wahrnehmung zu verändern, um das Vertrauen der Mitarbeiter zu gewinnen und zugänglicher und verlässlicher für sie da zu sein. „Human-centric“ ist hier eines der Buzzwords, welches Führungsetagen und Personaler auf Trab hielt. Teil entsprechender Initiativen waren beispielsweise Human Capital Management Systeme, die es Mitarbeitern ermöglichen, ihr volles Potenzial möglichst auszuschöpfen.
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L’intelligenza artificiale non ruberà il lavoro alle persone, lo renderà più umano
Intelligenza artificiale: “Gli esseri umani sono ben lungi dal perdere il proprio posto nel mondo del lavoro”.
Billet de blog
¿Qué es el Cornerstone Skills Graph?
Acabamos de anunciar el Cornerstone Skills Graph y puede que estés pensando - eso suena genial, pero ¿qué es? Nos pusimos al día con Cyril Le Mat, Director of Data Science de Cornerstone para responder a todas esas preguntas y darte más información sobre lo que el Cornerstone Skills Graph puede hacer por ti.
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Che cos’è Cornerstone Skills Graph?
Non appena abbiamo annunciato Cornerstone Skills Graph, forse avrete pensato: sembra interessante, ma di cosa si tratta? Ci siamo rivolti a Cyril Le Mat, director data science di Cornerstone, per rispondere a tutte le domande e fornirvi maggiori informazioni su ciò che Cornerstone Skills Graph può fare per voi.