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ICYMI: Bad Managers Aren't the Main Reason Employees Quit

Cornerstone Editors

Editor's Note: In today's fast-paced news cycle, we know it's difficult to keep up with the latest and greatest HR trends and stories. To make sure you're updated, we're recapping our most popular articles every month in our "In Case You Missed It" series. Keep reading for November's top stories!

Bad Managers Aren't the Main Reason Employees Quit

According to new research from IBM on why employees quit, the old HR adage "people don't leave companies; they leave managers" is being called into question. These are the real reasons they walk away.

Office Hours: How Do You Improve Performance Reviews? A VP at Fossil Weighs In

Traditional performance reviews are a holdover from the machine age, but according to James Webb, VP of global people development and engagement at Fossil, they can still be effective—employers just need to reshape the process. Watch this short video to learn how.

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Dear ReWorker: How Can I Get My Employees to Be on Time?

A small business that can't get its employees to be punctual has tried everything, including offering paid time off as a reward for on-time arrival. But nothing's working, and clients are suffering. Find out what the ReWorker recommends.

The Foundation You Need Before Investing in AI

As artificial intelligence technology is deployed across organizations, the cost of poor decision-making due to weak competency systems is likely to be magnified. What foundational elements does every organization need before investing in AI? Read on.

The ReWork Bookshelf: 5 Must-Reads From Workforce Trends Expert Ira Wolfe

From a book on how to be a better manager, to Ira Wolfe's own work on recruiting in the digital age, this list's got a mix of classics and fresh reads. How many of these are on your bookshelf?

Photo: Creative Commons

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10 modi per valorizzare i colloqui individuali

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10 modi per valorizzare i colloqui individuali

Uno dei presupposti fondamentali per essere un leader efficace è organizzare colloqui individuali periodici con lo staff. Tuttavia, spesso ai dipendenti questi incontri sembrano solo una tortura priva di pianificazione e di obiettivi specifici. In questi casi, i responsabili devono riconoscere che il valore di tali interazioni va oltre la mera formalità. Affinché i colloqui individuali siano fruttuosi, i leader devono prepararsi in anticipo, stabilire in modo chiaro i punti da discutere e ascoltare attivamente le preoccupazioni e il feedback dei dipendenti.

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