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ICYMI: How Today's CHROs Are Shaping the Future of Work

Cornerstone Editors

Editor's Note: In today's fast-paced news cycle, we know it's difficult to keep up with the latest and greatest HR trends and stories. To make sure you're updated, we're recapping our most popular articles every month in our "In Case You Missed It" series. Keep reading for April's top stories!

5 Things on the Minds of Today's Most Innovative CHROs

Our new CHRO Community series shines a light on some of the most innovative CHROs and their ideas for the future of work. Find out more about how they are impacting their organizations and the future of HR here!

How to Link Recruiting to Business Outcomes

Demonstrating the quality of a hire is important, but how do HR pros measure it? Find out how the right technology and a data-driven strategy can help.

4 Common Failures of Online Job Applications—and How to Fix Them

Is your online job application killing your talent pipeline? Here are four things you can do to improve the process.

Why HR Should Forget About Candidates' Salary History for Good

Recruiters who want to know salary history are playing a cat and mouse game with candidates, and probably losing out on top talent down the line. Find out why it may be worth it to leave this line of questioning behind.

Photo: Creative Commons

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Le HR incontrano l'IT: la coppia perfetta per l'analisi dei dati

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Le HR incontrano l'IT: la coppia perfetta per l'analisi dei dati

Al giorno d'oggi è difficile parlare di HR senza citare l'analisi dei dati. Dalla prima e-mail durante le procedure di selezione al colloquio di fine rapporto, i big data stanno cambiando il modo in cui ci rapportiamo alla gestione dei talenti. Sebbene ottime capacità relazionali e un intuito spiccato rimangano comunque fondamentali nelle risorse umane, una carriera in ambito HR al passo coi tempi non può prescindere da una mentalità simile a quella rappresentata nel film L'arte di vincere.

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