
This Week on HR Labs: The Employee’s Experience In An Employee-First Business

Cornerstone Editors

Cornerstone is proud to bring you Season 2 of HR Labs, a podcast about learning hosted by our very own Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer Heidi Spirgi. This season, we’re exploring the importance of learning and development as businesses shift their priorities from shareholders to stakeholders—particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Find it on Apple Podcasts and everywhere else you listen to podcasts.

Over the course of its second season, HR Labs has talked a lot about the Business Roundtable agreement and the overall shift of prioritizing stakeholders over shareholders. Our show has discussed the importance of putting employees first, ensuring their needs are met, helping them grow and develop, and giving them autonomy in the workplace.

But how are employees themselves experiencing this business shift? Are companies actually living up to these promises and ideals? And how does that impact employees in their day to day?

In episode four, we go straight to the source and talk to two employees: one from credit card processing company Gravity Payments, who we heard from in episode 3, and another who we heard from in episode 2 and works at the financial services company RSM. We also tapped Cornerstone’s AVP of learning and development, Jeff Miller, to take a closer look at the psychology behind what employees need in the workplace—like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and self-determination theory.






貴社では、昨今の急激なビジネスの変化のスピードにどの程度対応できていますか? 従業員を対象にした調査によると、41%が自分のスキルを伸ばすために必要なものを持っていないと考えており、59%がさらに多くのキャリアガイダンスを求めているという結果が出ています。そこでこれまで以上に重要になるのが、HR担当者が最新のトレンドを把握し、それが従業員や組織にとって何を意味するのかを理解して活用することです。例えばAIはトレンドの1つですが、60%以上の組織では、人財開発プログラムの最適化にAIテクノロジーを活用していません。



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