
Cornerstone Skills Graph tekniskt datablad

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Med Cornerstone Skills Graph kan ni göra kompetens till den centrala punkten i er talangstrategi. Oavsett vilken Cornerstone-lösning ni använder får ni tillgång till vår intelligenta ontologi med fler än 53 000 kompetenser och 250 miljoner roller — ontologin ingår i varje medarbetarprofil.

Ladda ner detta datablad och ta del av all teknisk information om Cornerstone Skills Graph, läs om allt från språkstöd och etisk AI till implementationsprocess och säkerhet.

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How to build the power skills every employee needs today


How to build the power skills every employee needs today

You may have heard the buzz about power skills. People often describe them as a rebranding of soft skills or human skills. But they're so much more than that. This new world of work we're all operating in requires a combination of specific soft and hard skills to be successful. Every employee, regardless of business function, should possess these power skills to succeed in this digital transformation age.

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