
Fueling Dell’s Extended Enterprise learning strategy for employees, partners and customers

The challenge

Dell had 12 million pages of learning content across multiple systems. The company needed a solution that would allow distribution of its product educational content to an extended enterprise of employees, partners and customers.

The solution

The company’s learning leadership chose Saba Cloud to consolidate "bite-sized" content that is easily searchable and available 24/7/365 on any device. Today product learning at Dell is a simple as scanning a QR code on a Dell product to get linked to troubleshooting video tips on Saba. Scan, learn, do.

The benefits

  • Better customer service and self-service
  • Faster time to value
  • Powerful time savings to get the critical information at the time of need
  • Platform to present information in formats that resonate with users of all ages and background
  • Mobile access to empower offsite partners and support staff

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Cornerstone Recruiting


Cornerstone Recruiting

Die jüngsten Disruptionen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt beeinflussen die Art und Weise, wie Unternehmen aller Branchen und Regionen an das Recruiting und die Bindung qualifizierter Mitarbeiter:innen herangehen.

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