
ICYMI: Why Working With Your Hands Is Key to Creativity in the Workplace

Cornerstone Editors

Editor's Note: In today's fast-paced news cycle, we know it's difficult to keep up with the latest and greatest HR trends and stories. To make sure you're updated, we're recapping our most popular articles every month in our "In Case You Missed It" series. Keep reading for May's top stories!

Why Working With Your Hands Is Key to Creativity in the Workplace

Van Lai-DuMone, CEO and founder of WorksmART shares how how companies can infuse creativity and play into their workplace culture.

Dear ReWorker: How Do I Get Rid of Bad Glassdoor Reviews?

By now, most companies understand the importance of Glassdoor reviews. So what do you do when you receive a handful of negative ones? Our ReWorker weighs in.

How to Prepare Your Organization For Robot Workers

It's unlikely humans will be obsolete in the advent of automation technology and robot workers. Still, your organization should be ready for the inevitable changes that will come at the hands of this emerging technology.

Take it From a Futurist: How Technology Will Change the Value of Humans in the Workforce For the Better

Futurist and founder of The Amplify Lab Joanna Bloor shares how companies should rethink the way they approach engagement (from job post to tenured employee) to prepare for the technology-driven future of work.

Header photo: Creative Commons

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Strategische Investitionen in Talente auch in Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Unsicherheit


Strategische Investitionen in Talente auch in Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Unsicherheit

Es ist ein Freitagnachmittag und mein Telefon klingelt. Eine meiner Kundinnen kommt gerade aus einerVorstandssitzung. Gemeinsam wollten wir einen Transformationsprozess für Ihre Talentorganisation einleiten. Nach ein paar Sekunden verstehe ich, dass unser Projekt aufgrund von Budgetkürzungen auf Eis gelegt wurde. 

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